Tag Archives: messi

Gbamm! Content & other pieces on the chess board….




We also added our 1st pieces of content that’ll be a key part of the Gbamm! Experience…

As part of our Facebook acquisitions campaign, we have showcased some of the content that Gbamm! users will have access to as part of the Gbamm! Experience…

We were very pleased with the interaction our caricature digital ‘playing cards’ elicited on facebook. Over the next couple of weeks, these digital playing card will form a core part of the ‘live match chat’ feature on the portal.

We will use such content – and specialised emoticons, as well as user generated content – to drive interaction within gbamm!, particularly in our ‘Groups’ features…

These ‘digital plating cards’ are also interactive – and encourage engagement with our users – allowing users to name players & managers & other football related characters. Like all playing cards, the idea is to encourage collectability…

We’ll update you about uptake & other content types as we move ahead with its deployment

Speaking about chess, me I like rooks & knights….